Mastering the Art of Asking Questions

27 Jan 2021

So You Need Some Help?

There are moments when we encounter coding errors or face problems that require assistance from external sources. One avenue to explore is websites like Stack Overflow, where you can post your coding-related questions and receive answers from fellow users. However, before turning to Stack Overflow for every minute problem, it is advisable to spend some time exhaustively exploring other options. It is highly likely that someone else has encountered a similar issue in the past, and a solution may have already been posted. Thus, it is always beneficial to search on Google or consult the documentation of your programming language to check if your question has already been addressed. By doing so, you save both your own time and the time of others, recognizing the value of this precious resource.

The Downfalls of a Bad Question

Regarding Stack Overflow, there exists a system where users can upvote or downvote questions. The numerical score associated with a question can be viewed as an indicator of its perceived quality. For instance, if a question receives numerous downvotes, it suggests that the question may have certain shortcomings.

Let’s consider the post titled “What does != do/mean in Python?”. The user shared the following code snippet and asked why it prints true:

print 2 and 1-2 != 3

This question has a score of -17, indicating multiple downvotes. What went wrong? The problem lies in its simplicity. The answer can be found by consulting the Python documentation on comparisons, which a user even linked in the comments. Such a question does not require a dedicated post.

What You Can Do to Ask a Better Question

So, what constitutes a good question? A good question is one that has not been previously asked multiple times, and it is clear and concise. It should explain your issue, including the platform and programming language involved. Let’s consider an example of a well-constructed question: “How can I redirect the user from one page to another using jQuery or pure JavaScript?”. This question was posted 11 years and 11 months ago, and at the time, it was likely one of the few questions of its kind. Therefore, it was not a redundant repost, but a genuine problem encountered by people. The question received a total of 7017 upvotes, underscoring its significance when originally posed. From this example, we can discern some key principles: ensure your question has not been asked before, attempt to answer it yourself, and when posting, be clear, concise, and provide essential information for others to understand your issue.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can navigate the world of asking questions effectively. Remember to be considerate of others’ time and strive for clarity. Best of luck on your journey!