Unlocking Efficiency with UI Frameworks

25 Feb 2021

Will This Really Benefit Me?

Have you ever struggled to set up a webpage and spent countless hours searching for specific HTML and CSS classes to achieve your desired design? If so, I have good news for you: there’s a much easier approach that can save you time and effort. The solution I’m referring to is using a UI framework. There are several frameworks available, each equipped with comprehensive documentation and examples to simplify your web development process. Think of it as utilizing an API that can be a true lifesaver.

Semantic UI is a Life Saver

One UI framework that I have recently become familiar with is Semantic UI. It is a free framework that offers a wide range of features and even provides a pluralsight course for learning its ins and outs. Personally, I appreciate how the framework employs a syntax similar to English, making it easy to read and customize. For example, you can create a button class and specify its size and color using syntax like “ui tiny red button.” Additionally, Semantic UI offers a plethora of icons, including social media icons and generic user icons. What’s more, customization is a breeze, allowing you to combine multiple icons to create unique ones. How awesome is that?

Why Learn a Framework When I Can Just Use Basic HTML and CSS?

By utilizing a UI framework, you don’t have to start from scratch. Instead, you can consult the framework’s documentation for specific elements you need, such as a dropdown menu. The documentation provides example code for the dropdown menu that aligns with your goals, which you can then modify according to your preferences. Building everything from scratch would be time-consuming and potentially frustrating, especially when you’re pressed for time. Moreover, working with a UI framework can facilitate collaboration with others, as it establishes a common ground and ensures a higher level of production quality. Once you invest time in learning the framework, you’ll become an expert in designing web elements efficiently and effectively.